'Care to comment on that?' said Xander. 'Or rebuke these claims?'
Hector didn't see much point in lying, especially because a different strategy came to mind. "Actually, I'd like to ask you about Ravi Zaman. Do you have a file on him, too?"
'Mm, perhaps.'
"As far as I've been able to tell, Ravi seems like a pretty decent guy, but because of his ties to Abolish, I've been reluctant to place much trust in him. If you could tell me about his past or... anything, really, then that would be a huge help."
'I am at least aware that this Freeman Fellowship is supposedly more peaceful than the rest of Abolish,' said Xander.
"So I've heard," said Hector. "I'm not sure whether I buy that or not, though. It could just be a tactic to gain favor and then ultimately backstab people."
'Indeed. Abolish has been known to do precisely that on many occasions throughout history. I would be exceptionally cautious around such a man, were I you.'
"I mean, he's also an important diplomatic figure in Lorent. Being mean to him for no reason would only cause problems, in my opinion. Which is something that Carl Rondel, your Vanguardian liaison in Lorent, doesn't seem to agree on. That guy's a real piece of work, by the way."
Xander was quiet again, perhaps looking for the requested file.
Hmm. Maybe this was the real reason the Magician had been so intermittently quiet during this conversation. Instead of thinking super carefully about his responses, maybe he'd just been hunting down reports or whatever.
Hector had to wonder where the hell this guy actually was. If he had access to physical reports, then did that mean Xander was still in the real world? But what sense would that make? Didn't he say that there was some kind of massive time differential?
Hector wanted to ask about that, but he wanted answers about Ravi more, if he could get them. That man had been an enigma for long enough in Hector's mind.
At length, Xander spoke up again. 'Ravi Zaman of Palei. Let's see here... It seems he has been active within Abolish for at least twenty years. He participated in the Korgum-Dozer war, the Vaelish Civil War, and minor skirmishes in Ardora and Qenghis.'
"A bit vague," said Hector. "Has he done any specifically terrible things? Any crimes against humanity?"
'If he has, they are not listed here.'