Friday, December 25, 2020

Page 2871

~~Christmas Day Special - (page 1 of 24)~~

'I think it's a heritage thing,' said Garovel. 'The Mohssian Empire had a rich history, and Intar was at the heart of it. The people there might understandably have some lingering attachment to it. But yeah, it's super weird that any part of a republic should still be legally referred to as "Imperial" anything.'

Hector had to agree. It was strange to imagine that something from the Mohssian Empire still existed today in an official capacity like that. In a spare thought process, it made him wonder what a modern day Mohssian Empire might look like.

Probably wouldn't be very pretty, he felt.

'Still, that's a big upgrade,' said Garovel. 'Intar really offered us all that just because of little ol' Hector here? I'm blushing vicariously through him.'

The Queen tittered.

'That last one is particularly interesting,' said Garovel. 'Granting us more power in their government is no minor thing.'

'It is,' said Mehlsanz. 'It would give us a disproportionate amount of influence for our total population and land. But that's not saying much. We'd still be dwarfed by the larger territories--of which, there are many.'

'True. And I wasn't suggesting that we should take the deal, just so it's clear. I, too, am an independence-loving man, at heart.'

'Heh. Are you sure you aren't just worried about losing your position of influence in the government if Helen gives up her power?'

Garovel paused at that. 'Oh, damn, I didn't even think about that, actually. Shit. Hector wouldn't be a lord anymore, would he? Oh, no, no, we can't have that. You have to refuse, Your Highness.'

The Queen laughed again, a bit harder this time. "I appreciate your enthusiastic support."

'I imagine Hector and all the other lords would be able to retain their titles,' said Mehlsanz. 'They just wouldn't have any legal authority in their regions anymore.'

'That's still unacceptable,' said Garovel. 'I'm power hungry, dammit.'

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