Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Page 1959

((The Mon/Wen/Fri Double -- page 2 of 2))
'Hmph.' Ojarea did not look pleased. 'What, are you advising her to become a librarian or a bell keeper?'

'I wouldn't presume to tell her or her family what path she should pursue,' said Garovel. His gaze became fixed upon Selena, who seemed to be hanging on his every word now. 'But I would also remind her and them that, once upon a time, long ago, the world was full of warriors and not much else. And it was an absolutely miserable place to live.'

Hector could all but see the gears turning in Selena's head. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. He hoped she would take Garovel's words to heart.

Ojarea was watching Selena's face as well. '...We shall take your words under advisement,' the reaper said. She turned to Hector. 'Both of you.'

'What is her ability, if you don't mind my asking?' said Garovel.

'Oxygen materialization,' said Ojarea.

Hector's brow receded a little. That sounded like it could be quite powerful, if harnessed well. And thinking about it like that, he suddenly understood Ojarea's point of view even more than he did before. Not putting a power like that to use in combat did seem like a bit of a waste.

But it didn't change his mind. He stood by what he'd said wholeheartedly.

Garovel elected to remain silent as well, which made Hector wonder if he was thinking the same thing.

As the silence drew out, Selena's eyes moved from Garovel to Hector, then lingered there. "I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time," she said. "Thank you for listening. You've given me a lot to think about." She gave a small curtsy before turning and walking away, with Ojarea bidding farewell and following.

Hector just watched them go.

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