Monday, December 25, 2017

Page 1458

~~((The 12 Pages of Christmas + Double Monday = Page 12 of 14))~~
Diego supposed they should just get to the heart of the matter already. “So what is it that he told you not to talk about, then?”

“Our missing brethren.”

“Missing?” said Diego. “Your people have been going missing?”

“Yes. Ever since Carver’s arrival five years ago, certain members of our community have begun to vanish without explanation.”

Diego didn’t understand. “Why would you guys want to keep something like that a secret from us?”

“...I do not know,” said Jasirok. “On this matter, I find the others’ behavior extremely irrational and worrisome.”

“Hence why you’re coming to me, I guess.”


Diego took a deep breath and scratched his neck, realizing where the conversation was headed. This was turning into a lot more than he had bargained for. “So you want us to help you find them, then?”

“Very much so, yes.”

Shit,’ said Yangéra privately.

You want me to refuse?’ he asked her.

Oh, please. We both know you’re not going to refuse, no matter what I say.

That’s because we both also know you don’t really WANT me to refuse.

She just grumbled at him.

“In the beginning,” Jasirok went on, “I believed that they were merely leaving Himmekel entirely, perhaps having decided to venture out on their own for some reason I did not comprehend. However, I then decided to wait at the entrance and watch for anyone else leaving. I wanted to ask them why they were doing so, but I never found the opportunity, because I saw no one leave. And yet, during this same period, another person vanished.”

“Hmm,” Diego hummed.

You said it only started happening after Carver’s group appeared five years ago?

Jasirok nodded. “I thought Carver might know something of the cause, but I have asked him many times, and he says he does not understand it, either.”

Could he be lying?

“I suppose, but I do not think so. If he were truly behind the disappearances, then I imagine he would have left Himmekel with his companions when they visited two years ago.”

“What else can you tell us about these companions of his?” asked Diego.

“Oh, they were very charming,” said Jasirok. “Especially Ettol and his reaper. Those two befriended almost everyone in Himmekel.”

So there were servants among them. Diego supposed he should’ve expected as much. “What did this Ettol person look like?”

“Ah... I recall him having a distinct face, though I do not remember in what way.” Jasirok’s expression struggled. “I am sorry. Truthfully, you all look rather alike to me.”

How annoying. But then, Diego couldn’t fault the guy much, either--not when he could barely tell the Hun’Sho apart, himself.

What about his other companions?’ said Yangéra. ‘It was not just Ettol and his reaper, was it?

“No, there were others,” said Jasirok. He paused to think about it. “However... I am sorry. I cannot seem to remember much about them...”

Diego’s brow twitched. This was beginning to sound familiar.

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