Sunday, July 14, 2024

Page 3633

The world. It was all around him. Streaming by him in a blur. Just waiting for him to look at it. All but asking him for his attention.

He couldn’t process any of it. But he could observe. Like an enormous television. And him, an unthinking couch potato. Passively watching.

Was he learning anything? Retaining anything?

Hard to say. Impossible, actually. Perhaps if he ever managed to leave this place, he would know. But here and now, no.

Asad Najir merely existed. Scarcely even aware of himself. A pebble floating in an ocean.

“That is okay,” came a voice. “Take your time, Young Lion. It is not as it seems, after all. There is much to do, and we cannot rush.”

He made no response. Could not make one.

But he could listen.

“We at last meet,” the voice went on. “This was not quite what I had in mind, but I suppose we must go through the doors that open to us. It is a relief merely to know that you have survived.”

Survived? Survived what?

Mm. Eh. Didn’t matter.

Ugh, he was so tired. Like he’d never felt before. And this place was so comfortable. A warm blanket.

“Good. Good. Yes. You need your rest. Worry not. And let me be your guide.”

Mm. Guide? He didn’t understand. Didn’t care, either.

“No, Lion. You must care. You cannot leave until you do. You must not become an incarnation of me. That is not the way. I have become convinced. You must retain yourself.”


Oh, whatever.

“Rrgh. You are not going to make this easy, are you? Very well. Come along, then.”

For a moment, the world swooshed more quickly past him, and then it slowed. To a crawl, actually. Enough for him to get a very clear picture of the scene in front of him.

Who was that? A familiar face. Very familiar indeed.

“The Sunsmith,” said the voice. “You recognize him, of course. He toils daily, seeking the power to revitalize our people. And the wisdom to, as well.”

Asad saw.

Abbas Saqqaf was there, sweating profusely and panting with one hand on a giant glass orb. He looked like he might collapse.

And that orb. Such a gentle light emanated from it. Asad had never seen the like before.

“He is more adrift than he allows others to see,” said the voice. “His mind falters as much as his body does, and yet he pushes onward. Searching.”

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