Monday, July 8, 2024

Page 3627

“I cannot believe we are even debating this,” said Lady Rayen. “After all we have been through because of the Vanguard’s machinations? They cannot be trusted.”

“This is not just about them,” said Grandma, which surprised Diego a bit. “There are multiple reasons why we might decide to stay and help. Not the least of which being that Graves was right about us. About what we all feel. The pull. You know of what speak. And I know you feel it, too, my dear.”

“Do not talk to me like one of your children, Octavia.”

“Have no fear of that. My children would never be so ill-behaved.”

Uh-oh. Diego noticed Rayen glance in his direction.

“Easy now,” said Lady Evangelina from across the table. “We have just been reunited. Let’s not ruin it by picking needless fights.”

“My apologies,” said Octavia with a slight nod in Rayen’s direction.

And after a moment, Rayen returned one of her own. “Mine as well.”

“Whatever else might be said, this is an opportunity for us,” said Evangelina. “Now we must determine whether it is worth taking or not. The first matter of concern to my mind is, assuming we were to refuse and return to Sair forthwith, do we even think that we would be able to retake the country with our current level of strength?”

A brief silence fell over the table.

“It may not be pretty,” said Rayen, “but yes, I believe we could. We do not need Graves’ help.”

Lord Santos spoke up next. “If the Mad Demon is still there, then our odds of success are virtually nil, especially with the Sandlords scattered, too.”

“All reports have suggested that Morgunov has departed that war front entirely,” said Octavia.

“Reports are only so trustworthy,” said Lord Salvador. “They also told us that Graves was no longer in Vantalay, and we see how that turned out.”

“Agreed,” said Santos. “We should not return without the expectation that we will have to fight anything less than the Mad Demon himself. Better to be overprepared than under.”

“Not when time is of the essence,” said Rayen. “Our people continue to suffer while we sit here, talking.”

Santos wasn’t done, though. “Even if we do manage to retake Sair on our own, we must have enough strength left to hold it. Even now, we’re still recovering.”

“And so your solution is to wade into another battlefield?” said Rayen. “Where our strength may be further depleted?”

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