Sunday, April 23, 2023

Page 3290

Only after a sudden break in the treeline did Dakinsalla come into view. From this low angle, the waterfall had the enormity of a skyscraper, and the roaring noise could already be heard over the sound of the vehicle's engine as they approached. It was even catching the sun just right and offering a pleasing rainbow for their arrival, which hardly seemed appropriate for these circumstances, but Vanderberk certainly didn't mind.

Everyone exited their vehicles.

Vanderberk was already in pan-rozum with his reaper, Elinox. He was in the habit of being exceptionally cautious with his reaper, even in the presence of his own men, whom he expected might try to assassinate him at any moment. Keeping Elinox close at all times was therefore a requirement. Usually, that meant tucking the reaper beneath his shirt like a concealed weapon.

Thankfully, Elinox had gotten accustomed to this strategy many years ago and rarely complained or even spoke up at all. Perhaps the reaper had even grown to enjoy hiding himself in plain sight and eavesdropping on many unsuspecting speakers.

The Rainlords, meanwhile, appeared not to have arrived yet, which was obviously suspicious. Vanderberk didn't intend to wait very long for them. The first thing he did was start making calls back to the prison. Marda, Cross, and then to the tower watchmen directly in order to be extra sure.

"If you see so much as a tree moving strangely, you call me and let me know," said Vanderberk.

"Yes, sir."

If the Rainlords' strategy here really was as simple as trying to lure him away from the prison long enough to break their brethren free, then they were going to be sorely upset. While the trip here by car had taken a while, it would not take him long at all to fly back there in a fury and start raining hell down on them. He'd make sure to kill every single one of the hostages before the day was done.

But for now, all remained quiet. So Vanderberk decided to keep a cool head and give the Rainlords a few more minutes.

The natural beauty of this area might have been having a calming effect on him, too.

In terms of manmade structures, there wasn't much here to speak of. Only a modest viewing platform sat at the base of the river, though it did have a roof built over it to shield from the occasional mist of water that managed to make it this far. A little plaque sat in the center of it, describing the location's history.

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