Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Page 3278

He clapped the dark armor back on and launched himself all the way up to her nest with a single, precise platform. The power behind the platform had to be just right in order for him to stick his landing with any kind of grace, but unfortunately, he didn't yet have enough experience using platforms while wearing this new armor.

He undershot it and just barely managed to grab the ledge before falling back down. He needed the aid of a hovering platform in order to pull himself over fully.

Dammit, said a background thought process. That was dumb. This armor was way heavier, so of course a move like that would be harder. He should've just raised a platform up like an elevator instead of trying to be all quick and flashy like a cool guy.

Pauline was invisible, as were all the people around her, but Hector could sense that she was staring at him now.

Well, that was embarrassing.

The invisibility melted away as she presumably realized there was no need for it.

And Hector could see the situation more clearly. The people surrounding her were rather odd-looking. They were still moving, though only just--and quite stiltedly, too. And their eyes--they were about as empty as could be. As if the lights were on but nobody was home.

'And here we have the Lord Goffe,' said Pauline. 'Wave hello, everyone!'

They all waved in perfect unison, though their movements were not smooth or natural-looking at all.

Hector began to get the picture "...What are you doing?" he said with a sigh.

'Oh, just killing time while I await some dashing hero to come check on me and make sure I'm not dead. What took you so long, huh? I get bored easily, you know.'

"I can see that..."

'Heh. Just thought I'd have some fun with our prisoners. I haven't played with humans like this since I was just a little chick.' Her feathers bristled for a moment. 'Because it's unethical to do on normal people, I mean. I didn't know any better back then. Hadn't yet developed into the mature and charming beacon of moral virtue that I am today.'

Hector abruptly felt stupid for having worried.

'Nice armor you got there, by the way,' she went on. 'Making a new fashion statement? Quite dark and scary. Oh, is it to intimidate your enemies? You should add some horns in that case. Or like an evil face, maybe.'

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