Thursday, January 7, 2021

Page 2930

Either way, if this radio silence kept up for much longer, he would try to contact her again soon. Apart from just wanting to check up on her, she might've come up with new treasure hunting clues for him. He hadn't wanted to dispatch a fifth squad, as the reapers all seemed to agree that it would mean spreading their forces too thin, but now that Hahl Saqqaf was here, that might have changed.

With so many teams out looking for these artifacts of power, at least one of them would have to find something, right? It hadn't been looking great so far, but he was trying to think positively for a change.


Yeah, it didn't suit him, he concluded. Better to just plan on everyone coming back empty-handed.

And to that end, Hector's greatest concern at the moment was motivating him to spend the majority of his time differently than usual.

That concern being Ivan.

If the Salesman of Death returned, perhaps with Bloodeye in tow, then the entirety of Warrenhold would be endangered. Everything that he and Garovel had been working so hard to build over the last several months could be destroyed overnight.

More than anything, he couldn't allow that to happen. If he was truly the Lord of Warrenhold like everyone said he was, then protecting this place was his responsibility.

Which was why he decided to start taking an even more active role in the castle's reconstruction.

The one thing he had right now was time to prepare.

And heck, maybe it wouldn't even be Ivan. Maybe it would be some other invader. And maybe it wouldn't be for many, many years.

But he felt in his bones that it would happen eventually. One way or another, Warrenhold would definitely come under siege, one day. With all the shit he'd gotten himself involved in? All the fugitives and refugees he was accepting?

It was inevitable, Hector thought.

And when that day came, he aimed to make sure that the attackers got a lot more than they bargained for.

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