Sunday, September 20, 2020

Page 2602

'I guess if I were to put all my observations and concerns into one, cohesive thought, it would be that I feel like your two blessings have begun to affect your personality,' said Garovel.

Hector blinked.

'And that worries me a little, because I liked you exactly how you were, shyness and all. A rather strong part of me doesn't WANT to see you change, Hector.'

Holy shit. 'Garovel...'

'But on the other hand, I have to acknowledge that you've kinda been killin' it, lately. And I don't just mean in growth as a warrior, either, although that's incredible, too. Your decision-making has been pretty on point. Seeing you talk to all these high-ranking people like it's no big deal for you... frankly, it still boggles my mind.'

Wow. Uh.

Hector still didn't know what to say. He hadn't expected Garovel's concerns to be nestled between this barrage of compliments.

'So yeah, I might've been kinda... pushing the recklessness a bit, as a way of testing you. I wanted to see how much I could influence you, or if you would actually resist my ideas.'

'I... uh... hmm.'

'And look, you've always been surprisingly sassy with me, so don't get it confused. I'm talking about the big ideas. When it comes to important matters, you've usually followed my lead. And that was fine, though I suspected it was primarily because you were terrified of making any kind of heavy decision yourself and bearing the accompanying weight of its consequences. I was perfectly content to be the one carrying that responsibility for you while you just concentrated on not letting people die.

'But lately, that doesn't seem to be the case for you, anymore. Which is rather surprising, to say the least. You've only been a servant for a little over a year now, and yet the change I've witnessed in you is... well, to be blunt with you, it's unlike anything I've ever seen in a servant.'

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