Monday, September 7, 2020

Page 2575

It was like trying to fight an invisible puppet. A puppet which could also transform into a wall. Or a blade. Or a storm. Or a hole in reality itself, perhaps.

Even after fighting the old man multiple times now, Cisco still couldn't tell what Damian's ability actually was. Nor could Dunstan.

Damian could make objects float through the air as if through telekinesis. He could freeze the boys in place, as if trapping them in invisible stone. He could sever limbs with only a look--or even crush them into nothingness.

That was the most alarming thing that they had seen, without a doubt. On one occasion, the man had seemingly atomized one of Dunstan's arms. Or vaporized it. Or teleported it to some unknown location. Just from looking, there was no telling what had actually happened.

Rezamaar and Dennex seemed to think it was an alteration ability that harnessed some kind of force that was as yet unknown to modern science.

And if that was true, then it wasn't very helpful information.

They tried simply asking Damian what it was directly, but he never gave them a straight answer. Usually, he just acted like he didn't hear them or changed the subject or just spouted some insane non sequitur.

Which was another subject unto itself.

Damian was definitely crazy. But sometimes, Cisco got the feeling that he was leaning into it, that he was pretending to be more insane than he actually was. Cisco had been noticing that there were some moments where he was extremely sharp. Not the mention the fact that this ridiculous family bonding exercise was actually somehow working.

Cisco began to wonder if there was more knowledge and wisdom concealed in even some of the crazier things that came out of his mouth. Some hidden messages. Or veiled truths, maybe.

And so, when the day came that the power in the cabin turned back on and Damian said that he had something very important to tell everyone, Cisco was paying close attention.

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