Thursday, October 17, 2024

Page 3699

Abbas sat up more fully in his bed. “...Personality-wise, you say? So you have already managed to communicate with it?”

“Yeah,” said Hector.

“How in the world did you accomplish that? I have not yet created instructions for its use.”

“Oh, uh. I just kinda... connected it to the Big Candle and dove right in.”

“The Big Candle?”

“Right, uh. Since we’ve got this Mini-Candle now. Big Candle and Mini-Candle.”

Wow. Abbas needed a moment. “Alright, well, before you go renaming my creations permanently, that object is called the Living Core.”

“Oh. Huh. Okay. I guess that sounds better than Mini-Candle, anyway.”

“If you were able to communicate with it, then I am surprised you were not able to learn its name without my help.”

Hector paused for an odd look, then clicked his tongue. “Uh... well, there might be a reason for that...”

“What do you mean?” said Abbas.

“Ah... I’m not sure how to tell you this, but, er... this thing, the Living Core... it doesn’t seem to like you very much.”

Abbas blinked again and furrowed his brow. “Excuse me?”

“Like I mentioned, it’s kind of a dick. It doesn’t appreciate you. In fact, that’s why you and Worwal both nearly died.”

Died? Hmm. Yes, this was the second time Hector was mentioning that, but only now was it beginning to sink in. “How... how did it nearly kill us?”

Hector took a long breath. “Well, from what I’ve been able to piece together, this Living Core here... ah... it led you astray. Technically, I guess it didn’t try to kill you directly, meaning with its own power, but... it was the equivalent of leading you into a minefield. With a blindfold on.”

“...How do you know this?”

Hector scratched his brow. “It’s hard to explain. The power that this thing can tap into is the same as the Candle. Or maybe that’s only when it’s connected to the Candle. I’m not sure yet. But the point is, it leads to a deep, dark place. Full of... incredible power. Infinite, maybe. It might be what they call the Void.”

Abbas remained quiet, though he exchanged looks with Worwal.

“I’ve felt it once before,” Hector went on. “Recently, actually. In my meditations. So I knew a little of how to deal with it. But you...” Hector leveled a stare at Abbas. “Was that the first time you’ve ever encountered it?”

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