Sunday, October 6, 2024

Page 3692

The duplicates went in all different directions, and soon as he saw Barnabas swing at the wrong ones, he sent out an extra duplicate--this one ablaze--toward the group of hostiles on the other side of the hall.

It soared over there like a burning missile and erupted into a blanketing inferno, catching multiple opponents on fire at once.

Good. That was-- Barnabas twisted suddenly and backhanded him across the face.

Vito staggered. And instinctively, he knew that the next, far more deadly blow would already be on the way. That meager attack could only have been meant to create an opening for a follow-up with that club.

So without thinking or even trying to regain his footing, Vito dropped to the ground just as the club swung horizontally over his head. Then he went for Barnabas’ right leg, wrapping himself around it like a snake and twisting in order to pull Barnabas down the ground along with him.

Normally, this was a move that could paralyze the opponent with pain, but that obviously wasn’t going to work on a servant. It was, however, still quite useful for shifting the momentum of the fight. By now, Vito knew only too well how dangerous it was to fight this guy up close, so he decided to scramble back up to his feet while still maintaining his grip on Barnabas’ leg. Then he mustered all his strength and swung the man around like a sack of concrete, sending him crashing into a wall. Wood, plaster, and insulation exploded out of the impact point, covering the area in dust and debris.

And then there was an opening in the fight. Vito considered using it dive through the debris and pummel Barnabas up close, but he decided not to risk it and throw a blanket of flames over the scene, instead.

This way, Kerikos could also reacquire the location of Prince David’s soul. It wouldn’t do if they lost track of him for too long.

Ah, there he was. A good distance away. And still moving, seemingly.

Barnabas stood up through the fire, sweeping it away with a single stroke of his club.

Vito expected another front assault, but the other man took a moment to say something, instead.

“I hate hypocrites,” said Barnabas. He was scowling. Not looking at all like his previously laidback self.

Vito’s brow furrowed, and he tilted his head. “Excuse me?”

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