Friday, June 23, 2023

Page 3345

As they made their way down, the flat stones of the fortress gradually receded into uneven, natural rock. Caster led them through one final door, and then they were just in a narrow, winding cave. There weren’t even stairs anymore, despite the fact that they were still descending.

And an eerie quiet arrived, broken only by their echoing footsteps. Almost no light was making it down here, either, which wasn’t a problem for Loren Lighteyes--and apparently not for Caster Egmond, either, judging by the way he just kept on moving forward without even slowing down.

Kalikos was following closely behind Caster, having not said a word this entire time. It almost made Loren want to ask him another question, just to hear what random smattering of ideas might spill out again.

At length, however, the cave widened into a much larger space, enough so that it nearly looked like a manmade chamber.

A thick beam of light from above made it clear where the well was located. It must’ve been around midday, too, with how strong that beam was.

Loren could see a wide pool of water farther down, along with various sunken paths through which it gently flowed.

Hmm. Apart from that, this place was a dead end. So he supposed if anyone was going to be sneaking in, it would have to be through one those underwater holes. He wished he knew which of them, if any, led down to the base of the mountain. Hell, perhaps they all did.

“This should be far enough,” said Caster, voice bouncing off the cave walls. “We’ll wait here, for now.”

“Wait for what, exactly?” said Loren. “To be attacked?” Didn’t seem like much a plan.

Caster turned and looked at him for the first time in a while. “On the contrary, just the opposite.”

“...What do you mean?”

‘Twill be starting soon,’ said Kalikos.

Rezolo was the one to ask the obvious question. ‘What will?

The end of Abolish.

Loren’s eyes widened. He exchanged looks with Rezolo, who seemed equally bewildered.

“Perhaps,” added Caster. “But perhaps not.”

You truly see them surviving this?’ asked Kalikos.

“The ones here? Certainly not. But elsewhere? Many among them will be quite difficult to get rid of. You know that, Kal.”

Mm. Alas, you may be right. Wishful thinking may have gripped me.

“Heh. Didn’t think you were the type to take sides, anymore.”

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