Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Page 3660

The gnarled pedestal cracked and then began to shrink, slowly retracting itself into the ground as it revealed the item more fully.

And gradually, Hector saw that there wasn’t just a little glass globe. It also had a cord wrapped around it in an X-pattern, connecting the orb to a round metal band.

Which confused Hector further.

A tiny orb with a flame flickering inside. And a little circular hoop. What in the world was this thing supposed to do?

He probably shouldn’t touch it. In fact, he knew he shouldn’t.

But then again...

Abbas was unconscious and would likely remain so for at least a few days. And Hector wasn’t about to let anyone else do something this stupid, so that would mean they would all have to remain in the dark about whatever this thing was until Abbas finally woke up and explained it to them.

Or he could just touch it and find out, right now. Maybe.

This was Abbas and the Candle’s creation, after all. They wouldn’t make something that could rip his soul out through his asshole or anything, right?


Whatcha thinkin’ there, buddy?’ came Garovel’s echoing question.

And Hector hesitated. Because he had a rather strong feeling that if he explained what was going through his head right now, then Garovel was actually not going to be the voice of reason here and tell him not to do it.

The reaper was gonna tell him to touch the hell out of that shit, wasn’t he?

...I’m just wondering what to do now,’ said Hector. ‘I, uh... I probably shouldn’t touch this thing until we know more about it, right?

Probably,’ said Garovel.

And Hector just remained there, awkwardly standing in silence.

Apparently, Garovel couldn’t bear it for very long. ‘Or...’ The thought went unfinished, though.

Not that Hector needed it to be. ‘I shouldn’t...

Of course not. Definitely. You’re right. Let’s just. Let it sit there. For the next week or so... taunting us with its mysteries...

Hector exhaled a curt breath. ‘Hold on. You’re inside my armor. Can you even see this thing?

Oh, I found some nice little cracks to peer through. The slits you made in the faceguard in front of your mouth are actually quite helpful, because everywhere else is so closely fitted together that, if I didn’t know better, I might’ve thought you somehow made this suit airtight.


Anyway, touch it.


Go on. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

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