Friday, June 14, 2024

Page 3609

Thankfully, Father was not in his quarters in the heart of the Obsidian Shell. It would have been momentarily tedious to breach the fortress’ walls and reach him there with Germal in tow, and time was quite precious, right now.

Instead, he found Father at the center of a large gathering. Soldiers sat in large groups, feasting at long, hulking tables filled with tall, blazing braziers and ample food and drink. The raucous laughter in the air began to die out as many familiar faces noticed his presence.

If he hadn’t known Father as well as he did, Gohvis-Aeha might have thought they were celebrating some great victory, but this was actually quite a regular sight. Father loved his banquets. He was always finding excuses to treat himself and his men to lavish, hearty meals whenever possible. Claimed it was good for both morale and recruitment--which was probably true.

The Prime found it to be a rather obnoxious and wasteful habit, but Father always countered by arguing what was the point in conquering the world if one didn’t indulge in the excesses that said world could provide?

When Gohvis-Aeha finally laid eyes on Father, the man was already looking back at him and standing up from a chair that was so ornate and golden that it might as well have been a throne.

Then the ambient laughter truly died out as all eyes turned to Father, who sighed.

“What mess have you brought me?” said the old emperor.

First things first. He had to shift blame. “Morgunov picked a fight with a feldeath.”

Fortunately, Father had no time to get mad at him, which he must have realized, because he immediately shouted to his men. “Battle stations! Defend the camp!”

And everyone began scrambling. Father’s surrounding officers scattered to go organize and lead their individual sects.

Gohvis-Aeha moved out of the way as he sensed Morgunov try to blitz him from behind. He circled around behind Father, hoping that the Mad Demon would at least be distracted for a few more moments by a desire to exchange words with his fellow emperor.

A hope which proved true.

“Dozy! It’s been too long! How are you, ya old fossil?!”

“Worse for seeing your face.”

“Aww! Don’t be like that! Your boy here and I brought you a present! Ever heard of Kallmakk the Nightspinner?!”


“Oh. Wait, really? That kinda ruins the surprise, man. Couldn’t you have at least pretended to--”

A dark beam ripped through the encampment, leaving behind a string of black-and-purple explosions that sent soldiers and debris into the air.

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