Friday, June 28, 2024

Page 3619

Leo was also sharing in the marshal’s laughter. “They are a stubborn bunch, aren’t they? I’ve started to like that ‘bout ‘em, though. They say what they mean. Don’t try to trick ya with pretty words.”

“Yes, I can certainly see the appeal,” said Graves. And he paused to give Leo another look. “I must admit, however, that I am quite curious as to how you ended up in their company, Mr. Leonardo. They do not strike me as the type to accept others into their ranks easily, even those with famous names such as yourself; nor have you ever struck me as the type to throw in with a group with such strict ideas about lifestyle and structure. I always thought you were more of a free spirit.”

Leo bobbed his head to the side. “Yeah, well, it’s good to try out different things, now and again, ya feel me? Much as we might like to think otherwise, this world of ours just keeps on changin’. If we don’t change with it, then what’s gonna happen, ya think? A clash. Between us and it. And that’s not good for anybody, now is it?”

Graves fell briefly quiet again. “An interesting perspective.”

“Yeah, I been doin’ lotta thinkin’. Maybe a bit too much, honestly. But that’s prolly ‘cuz it’s long overdue.” He broke for another chuckle. “But what about you, Mr. Hawk? How you feelin’ ‘bout your place in the world, hmm?”

“...Why do I get the impression that you’re trying to sell me something?”

“Mm? Dunno, man. I’m just genuinely curious ‘bout your state of mind, daddy-o. When’s the last time someone asked you ‘bout these sorts of things?”

“With respect, this hardly seems like the appropriate--”

“Nah, bro, this is important. Listen. It’s super easy for us ol’ fossils to end up all alone with no one to have real conversations with, y’know? I’m worried about it. And as a matter of fact, now that I’m really lookin’ atcha and listenin’ to ya, I’m actually startin’ to get some real concernin’ vibes from ya, pal. Like you’re tryin’ to avoid havin’ a very important and necessary conversation about your own well-bein’. ‘Cuz there’s always somethin’ else to distract yourself with, right? I know it, and I know you know it, brother.”

Where in the hell was this going, Diego wondered?

And judging from the look on his face, the exact same question seemed to be occurring to Field Marshal Graves.

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