Thursday, June 6, 2024

Page 3604

I understand,’ said Gohvis-Aeha. He didn’t, really. But with the Prime having experienced this so many times before, he knew that it was better to keep this one talking, rather than trying to relate or sympathize or pose questions that diverted the train of thought. These days, this personality seemed to be the less dominant one. It only popped up when it was feeling quite strongly about something.

Of course you do, Master! I’ve missed you! Thank you for everything!

You’re very welcome, Jonah. It is good to hear from you again.

More laughter. ‘I’ve done it, Master! I beat him! The abomination! I finally got one over on him! He didn’t see it coming until it was too late! Kehehe!

Interesting. He still didn’t quite understand, but inquiring further wasn’t the right strategy. ‘That’s good to hear. I’m proud of you, lad.

And there was yet more laughter, lasting even longer this time.

How strange. By Gohvis-Aeha’s estimation, that laughter carried with it a sense of genuine relief, not malicious delight as he had first thought.

But perhaps that was reasonable. The Prime had never known Jonah to be malicious in any way, other than towards Germal. Or himself. That was one of the most confusing things about this personality. It seemed to hate both its counterpart and itself, and yet it also seemed to love life as a whole. It had often expressed a desire to explore and see the world.

And it was gentle as a lamb, as well, which may have contributed to why the other personality had become so dominant by comparison.

Gohvis-Aeha wished he could consult the Prime’s memories more deeply and check how long it had been since he’d last spoken to Jonah. He had a feeling that it had been many years, though he wasn’t at all certain.

It’s not hopeless, after all, Master! They haven’t won yet!

The temptation to ask for clarification was truly strong now, but he resisted. ‘Of course they haven’t. I told you that long ago, did I not?

You did! Yes, you did! Truthfully, I don’t think I quite believed! I’m sorry, Master! I believe you now!

I’m glad to hear that.

Ah... what a great day. Mm. Master. I can feel myself fading. I’m sorry I can’t be more help. Don’t be fooled by his lies. He’s not as confused, anymore. He doesn’t follow you. He’ll--

The thrashing returned, informing him that Germal was taking control again.

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