Saturday, September 28, 2024

Page 3687

Kerikos was seeing an opportunity here, and Vito decided to take it. “The feeling might very well be mutual,” said Vito. “You seem too honorable for Abolish. What are you doing with them?”

“What, we can’t have honor over here? Says who?”

That was at least confirmation that they were indeed members of Abolish. “The many child-murderers and genocidal maniacs among your ranks, perhaps?”

The man laughed again. “Well, everyone’s entitled to their opinion, eh? Even maniacs.”

Vito’s gaze moved between the differing attackers as they stalked slowly around his vision, watching him with obvious anticipation on their faces. This little exchange was very much a double-edged sword, right now. On the one hand, it was buying precious extra time for the civilians to escape, but on the other, it was also giving the enemy servants time to regenerate and regroup. He could see some of the downed and scorched ones in the back getting back up again.

Maybe it was unwise to let this draw out any further.

But no.

Prince David’s safety came first. Lord Goffe had entrusted this task to him. The shame he would feel upon returning to Warrenhold alone...

There could be nothing worse. And not just for him, either. For the entirety of House Sebolt. The dishonor that would bring to his ancestors was painful to even countenance.

“You are a strange one,” said Vito. “I know this may be rude, considering I have not given you mine, but would you tell me your name?”

“Rude, and yet somehow still so polite! Surely, you are the strange one here, my friend!”

“I will not argue with that.”

“Hah! Alright. My name is Barnabas.” And he hoisted his huge club over his shoulder with an audible thud. “Sure you still don’t want to tell me yours?”

Vito almost wanted to smile. “How about this? If we ever meet again, I’ll tell you then.”

“Oho! Deal! Though, it’s a bit unlikely that you and I will both live through this first encounter of ours.”

“Not if you go easy on me,” said Vito.

Barnabas guffawed again, even louder than before. “Stop making me laugh so much, damn you! I already don’t want to kill you!”

“Our interests are aligned, then. I don’t want you to kill me, either.”

“Oh, man! At least I know you can’t possibly be a member of the Vanguard, with a sense of humor like this!”

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