Friday, September 27, 2024

Page 3686

That was easier said than done, though. He could sense even more enemies at the periphery of Kerikos’ senses. How he wished that some of those were defenders of the castle, but judging from the fact that none of them were attacking each other, he had to put that hope out of his mind.

No time for stray thoughts. The enemy was swarming, circling around the edge of his flames to try and get in close while others stayed back to pelt him with projectiles and flame-dampening blankets of materialization.

Good thing he didn’t rely on only fire.

Soul-strengthened lutetium still packed quite a punch on its own. In an instant, metal spikes flew out of his body like a porcupine, covering the same area that the flames just did but extending even farther, skewering multiple attackers at once.

But one of them pushed through, taking several spikes in the arms and chest while batting the rest away with a big wooden club.

Vito was forced back as the club came crashing down in front of him, and if the crater it left in the floor was any indication, that attack would have almost certainly flattened him if he hadn’t avoided it.

And Kerikos expected the man with the club to keep pressing the advantage, but to Vito and the reaper’s combined surprise, the man just stood there and raised a hand, which was apparently enough to bring the other attackers to a halt, too.

“You’re a tough one, aren’tcha?!” the man said with wide eyes and a toothy smile. “Tell me your name, warrior!”

Vito’s jaw clenched. Truthfully, he and Kerikos were both tempted. Perhaps if they hadn’t been trying to keep a low profile, they would have acquiesced to the enemy’s request. It was a most ancient gesture of respect on the battlefield to ask for the opponent’s name.

In the modern day, it was something of a lost practice. To hear it uttered from this strange villain now was certainly a surprise.

“Heh! If you don’t give me a name, then I’ll just have to invent one for you! You don’t want that, do you? Better to just tell me something, even if it’s a lie!”

“I trust you to give me something good,” said Vito.

The stranger burst out laughing. “He speaks! And what a thing to say! I think I like you!”

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