Saturday, July 6, 2024

Page 3625

Grandma decided to interject with a question that gave Diego pause. “Precisely how bad are you saying that things are for you here, Graves? Mevox is out of line, but he touches upon a relevant point. You are sounding like you think you will lose this warfront without our help.”

The aerial view of the watery battlefield finally shifted back to the normal chamber again. “Well, only fools assume victory before it is achieved,” said Graves. “Which is especially relevant in a war with so many involved parties who might show up unexpectedly at any time. But no, truthfully, I do not think I would lose the warfront without you. Rather, I think it would be woefully prolonged and cost many thousands more lives. Much of whom would be civilians.”

“Of course we would like to help you,” said Lord Salvador. “But as we have already said, several times now, we have our own obligations. Our own people to consider.”

“Yes, and I have already offered to return this favor,” said Graves. “Do this for me, and when you are prepared to retake your homeland, I promise that I will be there to help you do so.”

“The delay is still an issue,” said Lady Rayen. “And the Vanguard is the reason we lost our land in the first place.”

“Then I should be honored as the one to begin making amends on the Vanguard’s behalf,” said the marshal.

“Would it be making amends or returning a favor?” said Lord Santos. “It cannot rightly be both.”

Graves returned a nod. “A fair point. Perhaps there is some additional thing you might wish from me, then? I believe I have already made my desperation embarrassingly clear, so if you have terms, then you can at least be certain that I will listen to them carefully.”

“Oh, I indeed have some extra terms in mind,” said Lord Santos. “I do not know if you will like them, however.”

“Well, if they are within my power, I will probably like them just fine.”

“You tell me if these qualify, then. First, the immediate unfreezing of all Rainlords assets.”

“Mm. I can do that, but it wouldn’t be immediate. The Vanguard used proxies for that little trick, so it will take a bit of time and finesse to see it undone.”

“Second, a formal contract, signed by Sermung--and Sanko, for good measure--agreeing that members of the Vanguard will never again enter any region of Sair without the expressed, written approval of the local ruling House.”

“That... will be more challenging. You did hear the part about these things needing to be within my power, right?”

“Third, the complete and utter disavowal of Captain General Parson Miles. Or alternatively, the deliverance of him and his reaper into our custody.”


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