Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Page 3622

The entire chamber went briefly dark, and when light returned, it looked and felt as though they had been transported to a completely different location.

It was a scene quite similar to the one that had just been on the screen--so similar, in fact, that Diego at first thought that it was simply the same one recreated--but as he looked further, he noticed different buildings and street markers, and the reddish sun was in a different position in the sky.

Ash and smoke choked the air, and it felt like Diego could actually smell them. The scent of blood and death hung thick here. An all too familiar scent.

Diego couldn’t help standing to his feet.

They had all been told about the illusive capabilities of Graves by Zeff, and indeed, Diego had even caught a few glimpses of it firsthand on the battlefield since then, too.

But this was still quite a new and different experience for him. An illusion this realistic? It boggled the mind.

“This is not an illusion,” arrived Graves’ disembodied voice from all around them, as if in response to the thought that had just been in Diego’s head. “This is a projection. A live feed, if you will. From one of the many townships on the outskirts of Denbohlt. This is what will soon become of the capital city, if action is not taken in its defense.”

That information made Diego look over the scene anew. A live feed, was it?

So that flaming pile of the rubble there was burning as they spoke? Those rotting corpses along the sundered roadside were still there, right now?

And even that lone child wandering the street in the distance, face smeared black with soot and grime...? Even that was...?

Unconsciously, Diego raised a hand forward and took a step toward the child.


A hummingbird appeared before the child, drawing his or her attention. And Diego watched as the child began to follow it.

“Not to worry,” said Graves. “I will guide her to a safe place.”

Diego didn’t know what to say.

The Lady Merlo certainly did, though. “Perhaps you could show us a live feed of Kuros. Or Zebul, perhaps. Or just about any of the major cities in eastern Sair, for that matter.”

“Alas, I cannot,” said Graves. “That is much too far. And the reason I am able to share this scene with you is because I am also in Denbohlt, actively monitoring things there, just as I am here.”

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