Monday, June 10, 2024

Page 3606

What difference should that make?’ said Germal. ‘If anything, that should worry you even more, because it’s a testament to just how persistent he is.’

He supposed the Liar had a point. Hmm. What would the Prime say here?

Egh, what difference did it make? The mission was clear enough. There was no utility in debate. Perhaps he should say as much. And remind Germal how much of a nuisance he was.

But no. Gohvis-Aeha decided to remain silent. Heh. Yeah. That was probably what the Prime would’ve done, anyway. Ignore useless conversations.

Germal kept pushing, however. ‘Please, Master. You must see the danger. He will come to view us as useful materials for his Omnivore Drive--and other experiments, I am sure. Our ability to manifest new powers is unlike any of the others. And if that project succeeds, then those machines will become an existential threat to not just us but to all mankind.

Aha.’ He could not stay quiet at that. ‘So it is a matter of protecting mankind now, is it? How terribly noble of you.

I know you care for them, Master. Do not pretend otherwise. That may have its uses when talking to your contemporaries, especially within Abolish, but there is no need for that with me. That should be obvious by now, no?

Hmph. Obvious. When it came to Germal, nothing was ever obvious.

But the man was no doubt referring to the founding of the Freeman Fellowship. Germal had done that at great personal cost to his reputation among his peers--to the point, even, that he had begun attempting to hide his own involvement in order to prevent his credibility from continuing to deteriorate.

But there was a game there. Gohvis-Aeha had no doubt of that. It was clear enough that Germal had been planning Morgunov’s assassination for a very long time now. And while the Fellowship may not have played an obvious role in this attempt here, there were any number of ways that Germal might have been using it behind the scenes--or for some other obnoxious purpose, perhaps.

After all, if Morgunov was deemed an existential threat to humanity, then surely Father should also be considered one, no?

Logically, that followed.

But then again, Father and the Fellowship had a curious relationship. On more than one occasion, the Prime had seen him showing... what seemed to be affection toward them. And Germal, too.

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