Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Page 3215

"That doesn't make much sense to me," Raul tried. "Guy like you? Don't you have more important things to do than worrying over a bunch of prisoners?"

Vanderberk's gaze turned away for a moment, looking all the way behind him at the cell block's exit before coming back to Raul. "Must be a real tough situation for you all, huh? Believe it or not, I actually sympathize. Getting betrayed by the Vanguard like that? Hehe. First time? That's always the roughest, isn't it?"

Raul didn't know what he was listening to, but it wasn't quite as horrible as he'd been expecting. Yet. And that was somehow more worrying, in its own way.

"You wouldn't happen to be an authority figure among your kin, would you?"

Raul made no response.

Vanderberk gave a nod as if the silence was answer enough. "I suppose if you were, you'd be putting up more of a fight already." He snapped his fingers again. "Maybe this is for the best. Do you think you could pass along a message for me?"

Oh god. Still, Raul was unsure and chose to say nothing.

"I'll take that as a yes. Tell whoever's in charge that I'd like to negotiate. That I'm open to a ceasefire. And maybe even the release of your prisoners, if you play your cards right. No fighting necessary. You go ahead and tell them that."

Raul couldn't believe what he was hearing. This guy, Vanderberk of Abolish, was infamously known for his cruelty, malice, and just generally for being the biggest asshole on the face of Eleg. Arguably, even Morgunov himself was not as widely reviled as this man right here.

And yet, he wanted to talk about a ceasefire? When he already seemed to have so much of an advantage with all these prisoners at his disposal?

It made no sense.

But then, it was also not Raul's role to dwell on or decide these things.

'Um, Arumoro?'


'I'm speaking with Vanderberk, right now, and he's saying that he wants to negotiate for a peaceful resolution.'

'I'm sorry, what?'

He had to reiterate. Even after the second time, the reaper still didn't seem like he quite understood, and Raul didn't blame him.

'...Okay, just, uh, give me a minute,' said Arumoro. 'I have to bring this to the others.'

'Take your time,' said Raul, sighing quietly through his nose.

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