Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Page 433

~~Holiday Special (Day 3/7, Page 3/6)~~
“Lynn?” said Hector, abruptly very concerned. “What’s happened to you?”

She tilted her head at him. “What do you mean?”

“Garovel says... that you... your presence is really different?” He paused, no doubt listening to the invisible reaper again. “He says you’re not an aberration, but still... um... Garovel, what the hell are you trying to say?”

“Oh. I guess he’s sensing this thing.” She held up her half-gauntlet. “It was crafted from an aberration’s bones. It’s okay. It won’t hurt you, and neither will I.”

“Garovel’s really confused...”

“Well, it is dangerous,” said Lynnette. She clenched her fist, and the violet shadow enveloped it. “I basically stole it from the Vanguard. Or rather, I was forced to.”

“Y-you... uh... why?”

“The Queen told me to try it on. Test it out while they weren’t looking.” She yanked at the gauntlet with her other arm, and it didn’t budge. “But apparently, once you put it on, it doesn’t want to be removed. Those Vanguard people were going to cut my arm off in order to get it back.”


“Yeah. Her Highness ordered me to run. So I did.” The purple shadow leapt up from her arm, twisting into the shape of a hammer, then into a shield, then into a sword. “I can see why they wanted it back so badly. This thing is really strong. It’s not like the one that you and I fought in Sescoria.”

“How... so?”

“Well, for one thing, when I fled on my own, I didn’t make a clean get away. I had to fight a servant. And I won. Easily.”


She gauged his expression, the way his eyes moved from her to an empty space where Garovel presumably resided. “I still can’t see or hear reapers, by the way.”


Lynnette tried to give him a smile. “I haven’t suddenly lost my mind and become a murderous psychopath, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“No, well... I mean... m-maybe a little worried...”


  1. Wow
    Vanguard is up to some sh*t
    I suppose you just wanted to make sure that Hector's (would be) love isn't defenseless

  2. "I basically stole it from the VangUArd" (spelling)
    "Lost my mind and become [a] murderous psychopath"
    Now we just need Lynnette to start hearing little voices in her head telling her to devour souls.

  3. Snowtail the KhajiitDecember 24, 2013 at 2:07 PM

    #3 on Topwebfiction! X3
    And oh Lynn, you're scaring the boys hun.

  4. Wow, you're right. We really did make 3rd. Thanks, everyone.

    I'll definitely be increasing the page quota in January.

  5. Snowtail the KhajiitDecember 24, 2013 at 6:56 PM

    :D Yaaaay~! Lookin' forward to it!
    Let's go for second next. X3

  6. If you only view the votes of the last three days, TZK is already #2. :)

  7. Snowtail the KhajiitDecember 24, 2013 at 8:13 PM

    One day, I hope the ship sails itself. XD

  8. If you don't post more pages then you're gonna lose readers.
    People enjoy reading more of the story everyday

  9. Nooo don't listen to this person!
    If you start posting more than 2 posts a day I'll never keep up!! >_<

  10. 2 posts a day
    I'm stupid
    4 posts a day

  11. No you increase the quota now damnit, I want 5 pages a day!

  12. I'm so glad I'm not alone on this ship.

  13. Holy shit...! That explains why Damian wanted Samuel's body that Geoffrey died in and not Geoffrey's own. He's gonna reuse the bones! And OMG it also might explain why Damian made Geoffrey in the first place! Perhaps Damian had hit a plateau inthe growth in his power and he made Geoffrey in the hopes that Geoffrey would become powerful and then Damian would harvest him!

    Not only that! It presents a even greater possible power up for Lynn in the future. Imagine if you were to acquire more than one gauntlet? You could possibly have two entirely different sets of aberration abilities!

    Ok...enough wild guessing. I really like this idea! And Lynn defeated a Vanguard servant singlehandedly?! I knew my girl wouldn't disappoint but damn!

    Also, I really like the idea of Vanguard reusing the bodies of aberrations they kill. So long as they're not actually creating aberrations like Abolish, I can still approve of this


  15. Lol. So much for Lynnette not being enough of a help. Sounds like she can do a lot...probably still not enough to save Harold. But enough to make the King idea significantly less dangerous.

  16. Ahhhh...now this makes sense. It's also slightly disturbing, because I'm not sure Vanguard making and using these things is a good sign.

  17. Me too...though i'm a little bit late...
