Thursday, July 18, 2013

Page 144

“Oh. Well, no deal then.”

“Y-y-you can do it yourself, if you like! It’s fine! Do whatever you want! I’m sure Prince Nathaniel would appreciate that kind of can-do attitude!”

Geoffrey thought a moment. “By chance, did you ask anyone else to do this before me?”

“Uh, y-yeah, I did. But they refused. So I came all the way out here to Brighton, because I heard of the Rofal family’s reputation--and might I just say, you have lived up to it most admirably. You certainly have. Why, I’m sure you’re a much better person for the job, anyway. I don’t know why I didn’t come to you first, in fact. How silly--”

“Please stop talking.”

The man just nodded.

Geoffrey frowned. “I suppose I should not kill you, then. My dear uncle said it was bad business to kill your employer, unless you wanted their job, and I certainly do not want yours.” He released the red shadow and used it to prop the advisor up on his feet. “When do you want me to do it?”

The man hesitated. “You don’t want to know why he wants her dead?”

“Not really, no. When do I kill her?”

“Ah--as soon as possible. Preferably before her press conference two days from now.”

Geoffrey just grinned.

“W-we tried to kill her before, you see, but we failed, and now Prince Nathaniel is worried, um, that-that she is going to expose him, so--”

“Yeah, whatever. Do I only get to kill the Queen, or can I kill some of the other royals, too?”

The man’s eyes bulged. “J-just the Queen, please...”

“Oh, very well.”


  1. *sighs* he learned nothing from his encounter with those stronger than himself.
    Oh well, at least it will be interesting to see Geoffrey and Hector face off again.
    I hope the girl survives. The royal guard one, I mean.

    1. Haha. Geoffrey's kind of stupid, yeah. But that also makes him dangerous, 'cuz you never can tell what he'll do next.

      And we shall see.

  2. Just started reading your story yesterday and it has proven very interesting. I will definitely continue reading.

  3. Another chapter after a wait and the more it has drawn me in. I wonder how Hector will fare against Geoffrey this time around...

    1. Maybe they'll settle their differences with a really intense staring contest.

    2. that would be rathe anti-climatic which i doubt you would do lol

    3. Hmm. Maybe a game of Jenga, then.

  4. I laughed entirely too hard at this

  5. Guess I was wrong. That dude is lucky to escape Geoffrey only minus his eyebrows lol.

    Geoffrey is really just ax-crazy in tge truest sense of the term huh? Gets a job to kill Queen and thinks nothing of it. Even though he just had his ass handed to him by the "Mafia Council". Smh Vincent will be most displeased.

  6. You have lived up * to* it, little typo there

  7. I'll keep my eyes open

  8. Seems pretty predictable to me. Lash out violently at anything that annoys him, or out of sheer boredom. Might let you live if you're interesting enough, but that might just make him want to dissect you anyway.

    It's basically just a good call to stay away from him if you value your life.

  9. Hahaha. Oh man, I think I would actually enjoy that, but it would be a pretty trollish move on your part for most of your readers.

  10. ... Incoming round 2???
