Friday, July 5, 2013

Page 124

Turn the page, please,’ said Garovel.

He did so. “How much do you know about the Queen, anyway?”

Not much. I know she’s quite young for a functional monarch. Still in her early thirties, I believe. And I know it was a big deal when she was appointed by her father.

“Oh yeah, I remember that. It was only like four years ago, wasn’t it?”

Yeah. She’s the youngest of eight direct descendants, and all seven of her siblings are male. The King broke Atreyan royal tradition in a big way by choosing her.

“That’s right... I remember ‘cause everyone thought she’d rule in name only or just... have her power taken away as soon as her father died... but he died like a year later, and nothing’s changed. Well... until now, I guess...”

I wonder if one of those siblings is responsible for the attempt on her life.

Hector’s brow receded. “One of her own brothers...? That’d be so fucked up...”

Well, when you have that kind of power within your reach, and you’re raised to believe it’s your destiny or some stupid shit like that, only to see it given to someone else... I mean, who knows if that’s really the case? But it’s not hard to imagine, given what a huge fuss was made over her appointment initially.


Shouldn’t you be focusing on your math, by the way?

Hector sighed. “I should be meditating...”

You meditate way too deeply, you freak. I need you to turn the pages for me right now.

“Maybe I can just... hang the pages from the ceiling, and you can float around them or something...”

Just do your damn homework. You can meditate later.


  1. This would be awkward for hectors parents to walk in on if they cared. Him talking to someone imaginary and turning the pages of a newspaper he isn't reading.

  2. SOLUTION, rig up a machine that turns a page every so often, BOOM :3

    1. Ha. How practical. Dunno why they didn't think of that.

    2. Idea: how complex a machine could hector make? With training could he build an iron machine using iron cog works?

    3. As long as it's purely iron, he could theoretically make anything. Though, not anytime soon. Machines aren't generally pure metal, though. Need power sources and so forth, but something entirely momentum-based isn't out of the question.

      He'll get more creative with it as his proficiency increases.

  3. I know I'd make a bottle-rocket gun. It'd be fucking awesome.

  4. Ah, nvm, Atreya or something...

  5. Yeah, you can see a map of Atreya in the Maps tab at the top of the page. There's nothing spoilery on that page, so you don't really need to worry. The Abilities and Characters tabs, though--they definitely have a few spoilers.

  6. Helen's father gave zero fucks what anyone thought of his choice of succession lol

  7. ”That’d be so fucked up...”
    that doesnt sound like something someone thousands of years old would say, if he lived that long then he probably saw that happen many times. these are just small inconstitencies but i seem to pick up on it now and again

  8. Hmm? Hector was the one who said that line, not Garovel.

  9. It's actually really awkward. I've never heard of someone who didn't need editors because of the ones in the comments are editing it all...
